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മൂക്കന്നൂർ MAGJ ആശുപത്രിയുടെ 72 -മത് ഹോസ്പിറ്റൽ ഡേ ആഘോഷവും NABH അക്രെഡിറ്റേഷൻ സർട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് അനാച്ഛാദനകർമവും സംയുക്തമായി വിവിധ കലാപരിപാടികളോടുകൂടി നടത്തി.
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Nephrology & Urology

Nephrology Department is dedicated to provide excellent medical care for patients with acute and chronic renal failure. Our highly experienced team of doctors can treat and investigate a wide range of kidney disorders for patients with kidney diseases. We can also make recommendations for our transplantation program, as well as provide in-hospital dialysis. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or blood vessel disease, and a family history of kidney failure are the key risk factors for chronic kidney disease. If you or a family member have any of these risk factors, it is important to have regular check-up. Urology Department manages the entire spectrum of clinical urology with high level medical expertise & nursing care and minimally invasive surgeries, as well as other surgical and non-surgical treatments of urological conditions for men and women of all ages. We believe in giving our patients the best treatments available and helping them learn more about their condition, so that informed choices can be made that will benefit and strengthen their physical and emotional well-being. This department deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary or uro-genital tract, major and minor urological problems such as:
Urinary tract obstruction
Urinary Stones
Prostate enlargement
Urinary infections
Injuries to the Kidneys, urinary bladder or urinary passages
Urinary Incontinence (urine leaks) in men, women and children
Cancers of the Urinary Tract and Testis
Blood in urine


Dr. Bibin Johny

MBBS, DM (Nephrology)

Orthopedics Dentistry Pediatrics Obstetrics & Gynaecology Pathology Physiotherapy